sábado, 23 de julio de 2016

The Royal Gift

The Royal Gift by Drae Box

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

At first it was a little hard to catch up with the plot because there was no backstory, no explanation of what exactly was happening, in the very first pages of the book the main character gets assigned a quest and you just have to take the plot from there. But i have to admit that after this confused state of not knowing while reading the book everything came together and started to make sense, the plot is actually a lot more simple that it looks and in fact I quite liked the book but the end of it was a little too predictable but still it makes a great interesting story to read.

Would recommend to anyone who likes YA books with a twist of magic and action, the book gets really good after the first pages so if it looks deceiving at first don't be disappointed.

Note: I received a digital copy of this title for an unbiased opinion and honest review.

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Happy Reading!

About the author:

Drae Box
Drae Box is an author success mentor and fantasy author. For nearly a decade, she has studied book marketing and awareness building strategies for fiction authors. Trained in email list building and product launches, she regularly observes and analyses the launches of successful books in the independent and traditional publishing sectors. She uses her analysis and research to help her authors and their books to reach success.

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