martes, 19 de julio de 2016

Out of Order

Out of OrderOut of Order by Casey Lawrence 

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In this book we see the struggles of a teenager who is the sole survivor of a multiple homicide in which her best friends are killed, she is left with no one by her side, and the grief is too much for her because of all the pressure put on her to continue with her life when she just wants to give up.

Themes like bisexuality are touched upon, the fear of the "Bad Reputation" and the shame of being called "Lesbian" and not being able to explain what being bisexual is to family and friends are described with a very true nature in this book.

A little fast paced with a very captivating and emotional plot, this is a story that reflects the problems and situations that teenagers go through.

Note: I received a free digital copy of this book for an unbiased opinion and reviewing purposes.

Happy Reading!

Get the book!

  • About the Author: 

Casey Lawrence
Casey Lawrence is an undergraduate English Language and Literature student at Brock University minoring in French and German. The vice-president of the Gay-Straight Alliance and editor of the yearbook in high school, she now volunteers with the Brock English Students’ Association, Brock Faith & Life, Brock Pride, and, most notably, the Brock Leaders Citizenship Society. She lives at home with her mother, grandmother, and her adorable seven-pound Yorkie, Bindi, in Ontario, Canada, where her bedroom is packed wall-to-wall with books. She reads everything from classics to comic books, and is an insatiable consumer of all kinds of stories. From a small city in southern Ontario, she makes frequent trips to Toronto to go to ComicCon, the Pride parade, and to see her friends spin HHC.

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